Alaska Silver Salmon on the Kenai River




AUGUST 15th - OCTOBER 31st

Kenai River Silver Fishing

If you’ve ever had an aggressive Silver Salmon chase a fly or lure in shallow water, you know why anglers flock to the Kenai River to fish for them in the fall. The violent attack and aerial displays put on by jumping Silvers after initially hooked makes every fish caught as fun as the last!

Silver Salmon, or “Coho Salmon” return to the Kenai Peninsula starting in late-July. The peak Silver run is in mid-September and continues through October.

Cooper Landing Fishing Guide, LLC fishes for Silvers starting in mid-August through October 31st. Our Kenai River silver salmon fishing guides can fly fish for Coho, use conventional spin and trolling tackle as well as bait in some situations.

Silver Salmon ALASKA runs on the kenai river

Silver Salmon Fishing Alaska

The Kenai River generally sees two distinct runs of Silvers. The first run typically starts in late July with a few fish entering the river. Most anglers specifically target Silvers after the first week of August. The second, more prolific run occurs in September.

During this window, Sockeye Salmon begin to spawn, and on even-numbered years, Pink Salmon will also spawn in the millions. The Spawn makes trout fishing excellent. Our combo silver salmon/trophy trout trips are unmatched in late-August through early October.

Our Kenai River silver salmon fishing guides will put you in the best spot to catch silvers as they run up the river.

fishing methods for ALASKA silver salmon

Alaska Coho Salmon Fishing.jpg

Our Kenai River silver salmon fishing guides offer several methods for silver fishing. Fly Fishing, Spin Fishing, Back Trollling, Bobber and Eggs and Spey Fishing all work very well for Silver Salmon fishing on the Kenai River. We target Silvers as they migrate up the river or in slack water areas just off the main current where Silver Salmon like to hold well before they spawn.

In moving water, back trolling plugs and/or spin-n-glos with eggs for folks who prefer more conventional methods. Fishing for Silvers in moving water gives anglers a chance to throw single hand fly rods with large weighted flies. Stripping flies across the current works well for silvers. Two-handed spey rods to swing flies across the current is also effective.

In slack water or slower water, spoons, spinners, bobbers with eggs, casting flies, stripping flies and top water flies and lures can be very effective.

Our Kenai River silver salmon fishing guides cater to any style of fishing you’d like to do for silvers and since they aren’t terribly picky, there is a great chance of having success with all methods. Early mornings, overcast days and rainy days can be excellent for Silver Fishing.

August Silver Salmon ALASKA Fishing

Augus t Silver Fishing  on the Kenai River

Though not quite the peak time for Silver Salmon fishing, August can provide plenty of action. Anglers can catch fresh Silvers as they migrate up the Kenai River during the morning or evening hours on the tides. If fishing is slow, we can always fish for Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden. Trout fishing is usually very good in early and mid-August, right before the peak in September.

If you heart is set on limits of Silvers, there are also options to fish on the Kasilof River as well. Often times, we can pick which river to fish depending on the latest run information and fishing reports.

If you are fishing early enough in August, it is still possible to target fresh chrome Sockeye Salmon if Silver fishing isn’t working out.

september Silver Salmon ALASKA Fishing

Dime Bright Silver Salmon on the Kenai

September fishing in Alaska can be incredible. Not only is the Silver fishing near-peak, the Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden fishing is also at its peak. Depending on what section of the Kenai River you fish, it is possible to limit out on Silvers and finish out the day chasing trout.

By September, most of the first run fish have hit the river and the second run will be in full swing. The second run generally brings in more Silvers, so odds of a great day are incredible!

Popular fishing methods in September for Silvers are both fly fishing and conventional fishing.

october silver salmon ALASKA fishing

Kenai River Silver Salmon

The sometimes cold weather of October keeps many anglers away from the Kenai River, but it can be one of the best times to fish for Silver Salmon in Alaska.

Fresh Silvers are still migrating up the river and holdover silvers can be fresh enough to keep if you’d like.

This time of year is great for fly fishing for trout, so catching a handful of Silvers while trout fishing happens on a regular basis.

If you are hearty enough, October fishing in Alaska should be on your list!

Kenai River Silver Salmon ALASKA Regulations

Spey Fishing for Silver Salmon in Alaska

Before setting out to fish for any species in Alaska, be sure to check all ADF&G regulations and Emergency Orders.

Generally speaking, in the early season of August, anglers can keep up to 2 silvers each. September and October bring on more liberal limits where you can keep up to 3 fish per person.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you do not intend to keep silvers, you can not legally remove them from the water. Each section of river has hook restrictions and bait restrictions. Anglers need to use caution when selecting tackle for Silvers.